Adaptive dificulty system.
Partially inspired by people complaining how game is hard and other how easy it is.
It would go along this lines:
* All areas have default dificulty - that being, just like now.
When players plays exceptinally well in areas designed for L20 characters - which means
o flawessing mob or
o killing it within very tight limit even if its not flawessed
o completing master quests, highest tier of mission bonus.
player "rating" of everyone in group increases.
If players have succesfull encounter but nothing great.
o some player deaths possible, no wipe, mob killed within reasonable time, avoinding mob but not unsuccesfull fight with it.
rating stays same
If players have failed enounter:
o Party wipe
o Party near-wipe or fleeing combat (party looses agro before mob is defeated but after killing at least one monster from mob)
o Takes longer than some benevolent timer
o Farming code active on mob. (to prevent raising rank sky high by solofarming)
o Failing mission/Quest.
Rating of all players in team goes down.
* Everytime party in L20 areas enters instance, average rating of all live players is calculated and area spawns accordingly.
* The lower rating the easiers mobs and worse drops, the bigger rating, harder areas but also greated chance for valuable drops.
* Ideally, complete muppet player who has no clue will eventually reach his equilibrium of areas he can manage quite fine but is still challenged and which will continue increasing dificulty on his own pace (everytime he meets mob he flawesses, future ones will be harder.), low rank would have some "stipeds": very low rank people will get free max armor set when on L 20 with basic stats (no isignia/bonuses, not salvageable or merchable, not dyeable) and also free max weapon (plain white max weapon, req 9, no inscription, no prefix/suffix possible).Other possiblity would be "free skill voucher (customized for char x)".
* While hardcore players will also reach their equilibrium where even they can get party wipes, and it depends entirelly on them if they manage sky high rating and awesome drops or if they sink to average. Extremelly high PvE rating could have other advantages (Think of discount for FoW armor, title, emote, hard to access quest chests droping hoh stuff for him.)
* There would be point of having low ranked person in highrank team - average dificulty would be a bit lower for them at cost of having less spectacular loot. also, dying once would be no biggie. Laso, as highranked player you would benefit by joining lowranked team for some missions where you dont mind having worse drops but want easier time.